2024 Elected Leadership
for Inola Area Chamber
The Board of Directors is an important if not essential asset to both the chamber and the community. Our Chamber leadership members not only bring with each of them a sophisticated level of business experience and expertise, but also have a dedicated interest in driving progress for our business community and local economy.

The Chamber Board sets the strategic direction of the Chamber and oversees the activities and finances of the organization. The Board serves as a sounding board for ideas and policies, and reflects the thinking of a broad spectrum of businesses in the Inola area.

Vice President
James Shaffer
Broker Associate, Tommy Dyer Real Estate
Inola, OK
Email JamesShaffer@Outlook.com

Lisa Dobias
Inola, OK

2023 Chamber Execute Directors
Directors: Rosalie Griffith, Chair
Pam Wilson, RCB Bank
Martha Brock, Black Fox Media
Dora Remington, BancFirst
Chasity Weichselbaum, CW Staging & Design